
Tuesday, November 24, 2009,12:21 AM

I CAME FOR ALL SERVICES except sat morning because i had Appriciation day ~
I have Appriciation day and Emerge to talk about.. Which should i start off with? Hmm..mayb start off with days? :DDD Okayy.. We'll start from Friday then !

Friday ~
Went for Emerge with my sister :D It starts at 8pm. We met the others there and had a wonderful time x] Leo and SungLin joined P.O.S [Cheerleading] :DDD Yipee ! Leo's in SMU and Sung is in M.I.N.T ! They performed really really nicely ! It was AWESOME :DDDD !!!!! I took a vid, but too bad my seat was at the side so i din't get a good shot of the performance. I like the part where M.I.N.T opened the umbrellas ! They had 4 black umbrellas with different letters on it, one letter each umbrella - spelling M.I.N.T ! x] All the groups were really good ! My fav was M.I.N.T i guess.. o.0 VU's was really nice at the front :DDD I loved it ! They had a really cute song with cheerleaders wearing tutus and holding a teddy ! LU's was nice too ! They added sounds from different games and make cute actions x] SMU's was really really good too ! They had loads of stunts !! THEY'RE VID was the BEST among ALL. :DD After emerge, we went to have dinner at Asia Cafe. We saw this "Owh So Pity Kitten" ): One eye was missing !!!!! SAD HUH !! All i see was a pink empty space. I took 2 pictures, but trust me.. Real life was more.. sad and freaky ! Went home ard 1am+ and got a not so happy dad waiting at the door >< hehe.. opps !

Saturday ~
Woke at 4.30, slept back and woke at 5.30am ! Got ready and went to Joey's house.. Got to wear Sari today.. the indian traditional clothing.. :D It's really pretty u know ~ I LOVED IT ! I wore blue !!! my favorite colour! :D It was Teacher William's. He bought it to be used as a table cloth, but was too long. This was a last minute plan, we just decided to wear "Sari(s)" day before and tried wearing them yesterday. Teacher Chandrika helped us contact Teacher Kusma for the "sari(s)" Teacher Chandrika wasn't here on Friday, so Teacher Kusma and Teacher William helped. Teacher Kusma taught Li Teng, Zhi Wei and I on how to tie the "Sari(s)" up. It was pretty :DD After taking it off and trying to tie it back myself, i helped the others [Joey, HuiYi, Joy ... ] with their "Sari(s)" too :DD Okayy okayy, back to Saturday ! I went to Joey's house that morning. ZhiWei and Simone was already there ! Instead of going to Li Teng's house, they came here ! Simone said she went there but the maid did not open the door. haha ! awile after i reached, we went off to "Chee Wen" school where our event is being held. When we reached, we saw lots of kids walking to gather at a place. Nope ~ Not our people .. they're little kids going on a school trip ! :DD We saw one of Lick Hung's headmistress ! Anyways, we went to the school auditorium but the door was lock. We thought it was a wrong place so we walked about nearby.. Found no one exp Christopher from form 4. He din't know where it was too, so we went back to where the auditorium was and i decided to call Daniel, surely he's here by now? They asked us to reach at 7am and it's already 6.45am. *Ring Ring~ Ring Ring* HARRLLOOOO??? o.o [hahha !! Just kidding ! No one answered.. D: ] Tried to get Teacher William instead, *Ring Ring ~ * This time he answered :DDD Yay! I asked him where he is and he asked where i was. I said i'm already in school ! Then he say he'll be coming in 2mins time. Well, other students started arriving.. and we're still waiting. Teacher William's 2mins was.. tsk tsk.. not 2 mins ! hahhaa :DD
After that a few teachers and students came and they tried to get the person from Chee Wen to open the door. After that we all went in and had a little attendance check and Teachers talked to us about some stuff. We went backstage to put our things and the ushers - [Most of those in my class, including me] went to look for Teacher William. He told us to meet him outside b4 we put our stuff. He told us what he wanted, where we should stand.. how many here and there then we sorted everything out. I'm in charge of one of the doors where i could see parents coming ! YAY !! I love my job! After that, when the event started, we went backstage and got ready for other stuff. The other forms presented and then after Teacher Melinda and Teacher Anne's talk, the form 3s which is us, went out to sing a song :D Megan and Andrew in the lead. We were just background singers ~ It was really nice. Han Yong got freaked out at first, we encourage him and told him he'd be great.. and he was ! :D Congrats Han Yong !! ;D All of u did a wonderful job! After that other performance continued. My favorite was the dance presented by form 4 ! ;D it was amazing !!! All the sound effects and the movements ! They really clicked! It's like WOAHHH ~ :DDD Great job guys !

At night, i went to Emerge !!!! Megan, Simone, Ah Too, Hanson and Bryan came along. I met Bryan's girlfriend there. She din't join us though, she went home before Emerge started. All of them went home earlier though except Megan. (: We had loads of fun ! Hanson went home quite early since he stayed far away. Ah Too and Simone went home next, right after they went out the door.. Shawn Lee came in and did his awesome beatbox ! :DDD Everything was like.. WOAHHH!! My heart was beating according to the music ! It was really really awesome !! ;D Then we had another celebrity which i'm not sure of. haha :D She sang beautifully ! I still rmb the song's name and the tune ! It's a chinese song and the name is "hao bu hao". Pastor Kong from CHC Singapore preached that day as well !!! :D IT WAS SOOOOO GOOD !!! haha ! After Emerge was over, i can't wait till the next one !! We took group pictures and the others went for dinner.. not us though - sis, megan and i. Cause dad would b ... not so happy again. haha ! btw, bryan went home a lil earlier cause he does not have any transport.

Sunday ~
Morning was like normal service exp Pastor Kong was the one preaching. Then at 2pm there's a Don't forget the lyrics" competition. All of us went to Carls Jr. to have lunch first. Shyane, Itin and Evelyn stayed back to study.. well, actually only Shyane studied (: Itin had a snooze button and i activated that button ! hahha :DD Evelyn decided to join. Andrew, Steven [Andrew's friend], Wei Mund and I went back to the convention centre at 2 to watch the competition. Andrew left in the middle of it to fetch his bro somewhere. After that we hanged outside chatting and came back for the finale. Loads of ppl were coming for this. It's like THE LAST !! No more after that ! D: I'll miss it ! And i did ! haha :D We had the harajuku fashion show, spelling bee and other competitions. M.I.N.T also did their cheerleading once more as many people wanted to see the winners ! :DD VU, from being the cluster with the least points flew up to the highest when all the designing competitions came out. Every single one was won by them exp one whcih goes to the SMU. We were on the top but because of P.O.S, we got to no.2 instead. It's just a 1mark difference !!!! Urghhh !!! Owh well :D It was really awesome. Like the best of the best! And it'll be better next year in our own building !! WeiMund went home before SungLin performed. He's in P.O.S. WeiMund went home ard 8.30+ as she's having SPM the next day. haha. All the best WeiMund !!! ;D

Bla ~
Let me tell you something ~ :DDD WeiMund decided to came for Friday at first. Only friday ! The nex day which is Sat, she smsed me in the morning when i was in appriciation day and asked what time i'd be there and that she's already there. I never noticed anything till i went there and was in the event with her ! I turned to her and said : EHH?! I THOUGHT YOU SAID U AINT COMING !!! hahah :D She replied that she was addicted ! hee :D But promised that she wouldn't come for Sunday services. Once again, in the morning she smsed me and said she'll be coming for the morning service and straight home after that. Dad fetched her and I to pyramid :D Yipee ! Sis went to genting so she ain't with us. WeiMund after that, decided to stay for the 2pm competition.. and after much tempting from me, she stayed for the finale !! hahhahaha :DDDD But only till 8.30 + :DD THIS PROVES THAT EMERGE WAS AWESOME AND YOU JUST COULDN'T STAND MISSING OUT A SINGLE SERVICE AFTER U CAME !!!!! btw, i have a new fav song !!!!! THE RISING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT ! I LOVE ALL THE SONGS !! hahha :D

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Wednesday, November 18, 2009,9:41 PM


Anyways, here's a little of what i've been doing :D
I've started drawing stuff on paint when i'm bored or have nothing to do [it's a lie ! I do have things to do, just don't feel like doing them :P ] Then, appriciation day is coming up this Sat, so i've been watching ppl singing and dancing. I'm gonna b an usher !! :DD Yipee ! Owhh, bad thing is that we have this "lang sung" thing for our chinese. I don't know ANYTHING about it ! My chinese sucks ! ): Okayy..let's move on.. EMERGE 09 IS COMING !! IT'S THIS FRIDAY !!! :DDDDDDDD YES YES YES !! It's gonna be AWESOME !!! ;D Would you like to come?! I've been inviting ppl now and then, but they still haven't comfirm.. Ahh.. this is soooo exciting :] I hope i'd be there when there's drama preformance.. haha !
OWH YEA !! i forgot to tell u ! Yesterday, my mum brought me to pyramid to look at some clothes and buy if it's nice / suits me. So, we went into Voir at first.. and i brought 2 dresses and 1 top to try on.. after that, i never stepped out of the dressing room till it was 10+ !!! I stayed there for more than an hour !! in fact, it's almost 2 hours !! Why? Cause my mum and the salesgirl kept letting me try on loads of stuff ! I'm quite happy though, cause i finally have nicer clothes ! If you know me, i'm sure u either know that i have very limited clothes or that i always wear the same stuff ! This is my first time buying so many clothes at one time ! And also at ONE shop !!! The hangers were all full and i had no where to put other clothes that kept coming in ! hahhaa.. I bought 11 items that day .. including jeans which i really need. I'm quite happy with what i got right now :] I can finally throw out those ugly old torn jeans and old short t shirts ! I'm gonna be more girly than i used to be ! in fashion that is.. a little la.. not a lot i guess. I still love running about and not being those " qian jing xiao jie " lallalallalallalala !! okayy ler, i also duno what i'm talking bout @.@ Well, that's it i guess.. BYE :D

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Wednesday, November 11, 2009,3:25 PM

Whee :D i'm back from school!!!! Why? Well, we're gonna have a Drama practise later :D And we're gonna act.. LATER !!! O.O Such a short time !! ahhhhh.. We haven't started ANYTHING.. Nothing at all ! But, i'm sure we'll manage :D I can't wait !!! ^^ hehe.. SungLin and SherMun will be coming over for practise soon.. I hope they'll b here faster so we could practise :) I'm so excited.. I'm gonna bring my vid cam ! :D Yipee.. owh, guess what.. Daniel knows my cell gorup leader - Andrew Lau. O.o When i went to the office to say i'm going home, i said i'm attending an event.. then Daniel say church event? i said yea.. and he said City Harvest Church got thing on meh? I replied, no.. it's my cell group 1.. he asked who is your cell group ldr? Andrew Lau? I was shocked and replied yea ! You from chc meh? how u know him?! Then he just said i know him lor and asked me to help him say hi and why he stole my student.. (: Alallala ~ okayy lerr.. i'm just babbling here.. don't know what else to talk about.. so.. BYE :D

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Monday, November 9, 2009,8:21 AM

The good news ~ The bad news :)

The good news - We finished the script for W17 multiplication night drama
The bad news - We have not practise for the drama ):
The good news - We finished the 2 vids for W17 M.N
The bad news - Got to adjust the sound and the vid timing a lil more.
The good news - We're gonna have a catwalk for appriciation day with our designs.
The bad news - Got to finish by Friday and I don't have time !
The good news - I've redone my first computer coursework - Network Management.
The bad news - Found out that my pendrive has virus o.0

Thats all for today :D Bye !

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

♥ TheOnlyOne ♥

Once upon a time,
in a far away place known as Malaysia
a girl was born
on the 1st of Febuary,
year 1994.

She grew up in a great family
who loves her.
and besides her family,
she also have friends who cared.
She learned to love one another
and also grew to love God.
She is a proud member of
City Harvest Church
W57 !
Her name is Jolene

♥ MyWishinqStar ♥

1.Special Bond With God
2.Gift of tongues
4.A Job
5.Dog Clicker
7.Sewing Machine
8.Acrylic Paint
9.Polymer Clay
10.New Bible

♥ MyFutureStar ♥

Photobucket 1.Female Border Collie - Cristle

Photobucket 2.Male Border Collie - Micah
3.White Simple Wedding Dress
4.Relaxing Room
5.Walk-in closet
6.A Wonderful Family
7.A Christian Family

♥ MotherOf ♥

Photobucket 1. A pomeranian named Roxy
Photobucket 2. A sugar glider named Crislyn
3. A sugar glider named Criscille

♥ PreparedNames ♥

1.Cristle - Female Border Collie
2.Micah - Male Border Collie
3.Criscille - Female Sugar Glider
4.Cestle - Male Sugar Glider
5.Crishay - Unknown
6.Cristiel - Unknown

These names are reserved for my future kids. =)

♥ StartTheParty ♥

ShoutMix chat widget

♥ MySweetHearts ♥

♥The Ladies♥

♥Jolene :D
♥JessicaLew - sis

♥The Gentlemen♥





♥Chris - sketcher
♥Pummkin -Rescuer

♥SuggieFriends :D♥





Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4

♥ Exotic.Pets/Animals♥

Photobucket FennecFox
Photobucket MarbledPolecat
Photobucket Kinkajou
Photobucket LeafMunjacDeer
sugar glider SugarGlider
Photobucket MarmosetMonkey
♥ Save.A.Life♥
Photobucket ♥RecueDogs
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my