
Saturday, October 31, 2009,11:40 AM

Whee :D I'm here to show u pretty pendants ! But b4 that.. Here's a picture of ME !!! :D LOL.. okayy.. let's move on. :)


Pretty colours !


This is my new pendant :D Pretty? Capri blue would be better :D

Looks gypsy-ish to me :)

Studied there [Quantum Science Office] while dad had a meeting.

My bracelet and pendant which i love :D I LOVE MY BRACELET'S COLOUR !

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Went to ZhiWei and Joey's dance studio once.. Can't remember when though. They were having exms that day :) So, skipped school and went to support them + study. I think it's the friday during the week b4 exm. Brought all my books and all there. Wait! i think i post about this b4, without pictures though.. Owh well, the teachers were friendly and they had 3 cats there ! :) Met a few new friends too ! hehe. Thats all :D Enjoy the pictures of Nala !

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Friday, October 30, 2009,10:50 PM

Exams over !! Except ICT exm. Sigh.. i think i should study for it to get a cert? ): haha.. Gonna read the book su zen pinjamed me first :) hehe ! Read some d.. not bad.. :D

This is Zhi Wei :D
Zhi Wei and I !

Mum fetched me and i doodled her car ;D hahhah !!! Kinda kept drawing horses nowadays o.0

Can you see it properly?

What bout now? This angle not nice though ): i think.. okay okay la.

I drew a pretty horse during exm but we passed up the paper.. will take pic of it after it's given back :)

Horsey :) I still dk how to draw their body n legs. Nvr tried/.

Looks so sweet :) A lil foal

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Thursday, October 29, 2009,8:24 PM

(: It's Thursday !!! Had exams this whole week ! Pheww.. It's ALMOST over. Still have Bm and History tmr. (: Let's see, i din't talk much on mon.. don't really know if i had anything to talk bout.. anyways, let's start ! :D

Monday i had Bio and Eng, which i already told u guys. It wasn't that bad :) Tuesday was Chem and Chinese. Chemistry was harder than bio.. but still bareable. Chinese was.. NOT GOOD.. haha ! We're supposed to write an essay and I had sooo many ideas !!! But.. i forgot how to write the words ): so i kept changing ideas and the one i'm stuck with is.. NOT GOOD.. AT ALL D: Wednesday was Physics and Geo. Both of them are okay. Simone said Physics was hard but ZhiWei and I thought it was okay. Thursday - Today.. was the hardest of all.. MATH !! ): There's a lil prob and we had 2 papers ! haha :D They kinda gave the draft paper.. so we did the questions they said we are supposed to do and leave the rest.. Then we had another paper sent to us and we did those with ticks on the numbers. MY NAME WAS IN THE PAPER :D hahah !!! But.. unfortunately, i can't even solve my OWN question. hahha !! I don't even know how much chocolates i was left with :P hahah ! *Shouts to HuiYi, Joy, ZhiWei* : DON'T STEAL MY CHOCOLATES !!! D: hahaha :D Min Hong and Simone got their own question too ! ;D Owh.. btw, Simone's a guy and he's only 2 OR 4 years old ! O.o hahha ! I planned to write 15 if i could not figure the ans in the end :P hahahha ! Min Hong's? no idea how to do. ): Sighh.. After exms we did our BM dance for cousework and it worked out fine. Got to get to school by 7.30 tomorrow. Urghh.. so early ): hehe.. So far the dance went well but we got a lil more to add in. Then we're done ;D hehe.. k la.. i'll stop here ! If not i would not finish studying History. I don't think i will finish it anyways.. Byez !!! :D

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Monday, October 26, 2009,6:30 PM


Missed out Li Li's bday today. Sry ): I have school + exm !

Today we had Biology and English exam. Bio exm starts at 9am and english at 3pm. Guess what? Teacher asked us to study more on Plant's reproduction, but NONE of that question comes out !!!! D: There are some words that we've never seen before but.. overall i guess it's okay. We had 4essays for english ! Summary, Factual Writing, Novel and Proverbs. This means we could only spend 30mins on each question !! All of them requires to be 3quarter of a full scap paper except for summary which only needs half a page. (: Hmm.. nothing much for now.. actually, still gt .. but.. will tell nex time since i got to study for Chem right now. Chem's exm is tmr ! And nothing's going into my head ! T__T sigh.. k la.. blog nex time. bye ! :D

All the best to every1 having exms and also the the Form5's who are having IGCSE tmr !!! JIA YOU !!!!!

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Friday, October 23, 2009,11:22 PM

*Ring Ring~ *
Jolene quickly picks up the vibrating + singing phone.
Jolene : Hello?
ZhiWei : Ehh .. what time u coming?
Jolene : EHH ! NOW WHAT TIME D ?! o.o
ZhiWei : 8 only lah. Eh, can come b4 9.15? my aunty coming to fetch me earlier cause she have to send her son to college.
Jolene : okay. can can..
Jolene : k lah. Kokichoo Pigu !
ZhiWei : Kokichoo Buba :D
*Puts down the phone*
Jolene gets ready and packs her book in her bag. Took a shower and woke her dad.
Jolene left and went to ZhiWei's house. On the way there she was smsing ZhiWei :) ZhiWei wasn't at home. She went out for breakfast, so her maid opened the door for Jolene !
Jolene started taking out her chemistry books and make notes. Suddenly ZhiWei came from the back and said something which Jolene can't rmb.
Jolene : EHH?! o.o Why u here 1 ?
ZhiWei : back door mah !
Jolene : Scare me..
ZhiWei : *giggles*
ZhiWei brought Jolene up to the guest room to look at the winter jacket Jolene wants to borrow to Korea end of this year :) It's pink ! haha ! After that ZhiWei's aunty fetched them to Plaza - ZhiWei and Joey's ballet studio. There's 3 cats there :) 1 named Nala, another named Baby. Jolene nvr saw the last 1 so she nvr heard ppl calling it's name / asked. After ZhiWei's exm, it's Joey's turn. Jolene met a few new friends there :) The teachers were really nice. After that Joey's parents fetched us back to ZhiWei's house and we took a nap on the floor. From 5mins to 10mins to 15mins. B4 taking a nap Jolene smsed her sis and asked her what time should she be back because they have futsal with their Cell Group + Sub Zone later. Jolene's sis called back at 6 + and that's when they both finally woke up :) Jolene calls her dad and her dad fetched her home..

Jolene went home and found her sister all ready. She went to look for suitable shirt + pants. Then she got ready and wore her new shoes :D Brought a bag to put her phone, money and camera. Then William came and off they go. Played futsal at first. William was in another court. Jessica [Jolene's sis] and Jolene was in the same court. They were in different groups though. There's some funny stories about Jessica. Wanna know? :D Well, one thing was that when the goalie wanted to throw the ball away from the goal, Jessica said " Here ! Here ! " and when he finally threw there, she ducked and said ahh !!! :P hahahha.. It's not only once but a few times. Jolene was having fun the whole time :D She enjoyed running around chasing the person with the ball and kicking here and there ! hahahha :D After futsal, everyone went to play Captain Ball. All together in 1 court. William and Jessica were in the same group. Jolene on the other. Owh.. btw, Jolene's group lost in futsal, but atleast she had fun :) Anyways, back to Captain Ball. The whole group played together and yea.. in this game, we add a rule - Only girls can score :D
haha ! So all the guys would get the ball and pass it to the girls ! Jessica scored once and Jolene scored once too ! :D Yipee ! hahha.. not bad for those who are playing for the first time eh? ;D After Captain Ball + Futsal, the others went for dinner together. William, Jessica and Jolene went to eat elsewhere because William said we would have to wait very long if we went with them.. so many ppl = loads of orders = slow. Jessica told Jolene some stories after that.. she said that she almost cried when the guy bumped into her and she fell. This is because in her mind there's an equation which goes like this :
Fall down = Pain = Cry
but then after she wanted to cry she noticed that it wasn't pain ! And she kept telling herself to stop crying and she did ! @.@ hahaha !!! :D That's weird. (: She kept complaining that she got hit by the ball and other injuries and stuff. Jolene herself fell once and got hit by the ball loads of times as well ): haha . While playing captain ball, Jolene found the ball flying towards her face and PIAKK !! Ouchie.. she felt like sneezing but.. she could not o.o haha ! That was the one that hurts the most. And.. blablabla.. the story ends here :)

Sry, it's kinda summarised and parts are flying all over. (: Thats all bye ! Owh .. Jolene says : I HAD A GREAT DAY TODAY !!! THANKS EVERYONE :D <3 W17 !

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

Thursday, October 22, 2009,10:57 PM

Blogging for the past few days? nt sure when.. lazy to think when it was.. hahah :D
This time i'm blogging while looking at pictures k ? ;D

Ace Ed-Venture group photo. 2007 if i'm not wrong. (: This picture is full of memories ! ;D
Although i can't rmb every single one of them, I still miss them ! somewhere in my heart ! ;D hahhaa :D

IDK When :
Drew something on hui yi's hand so leow asked me to draw on hers too ! Din't know what to draw so i drew a horse and a tree. Then she asked me to draw more and i added a foal. (: Foal = Baby Horse :D Understand?! LOLL

Hui Yi's hand. A fish and an elephant.. the finger is the nose xD

We did the deepavali rice thingy and decorated our jeans. (: I like the part which is in blue ;D It's pretty !

Leow's and Jolene's

Mine is.. not so clear.

This is the one we made (: I LOVE IT !

especially the gorgeous wings !

This flower thingy is for Art class. It's not done though.

Thats all. bye :D

and there is none like you Jesus. ♥ Hosanna

♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥ Jesus ♥ Jolene ♥

Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my

♥ TheOnlyOne ♥

Once upon a time,
in a far away place known as Malaysia
a girl was born
on the 1st of Febuary,
year 1994.

She grew up in a great family
who loves her.
and besides her family,
she also have friends who cared.
She learned to love one another
and also grew to love God.
She is a proud member of
City Harvest Church
W57 !
Her name is Jolene

♥ MyWishinqStar ♥

1.Special Bond With God
2.Gift of tongues
4.A Job
5.Dog Clicker
7.Sewing Machine
8.Acrylic Paint
9.Polymer Clay
10.New Bible

♥ MyFutureStar ♥

Photobucket 1.Female Border Collie - Cristle

Photobucket 2.Male Border Collie - Micah
3.White Simple Wedding Dress
4.Relaxing Room
5.Walk-in closet
6.A Wonderful Family
7.A Christian Family

♥ MotherOf ♥

Photobucket 1. A pomeranian named Roxy
Photobucket 2. A sugar glider named Crislyn
3. A sugar glider named Criscille

♥ PreparedNames ♥

1.Cristle - Female Border Collie
2.Micah - Male Border Collie
3.Criscille - Female Sugar Glider
4.Cestle - Male Sugar Glider
5.Crishay - Unknown
6.Cristiel - Unknown

These names are reserved for my future kids. =)

♥ StartTheParty ♥

ShoutMix chat widget

♥ MySweetHearts ♥

♥The Ladies♥

♥Jolene :D
♥JessicaLew - sis

♥The Gentlemen♥





♥Chris - sketcher
♥Pummkin -Rescuer

♥SuggieFriends :D♥





Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.
It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4

♥ Exotic.Pets/Animals♥

Photobucket FennecFox
Photobucket MarbledPolecat
Photobucket Kinkajou
Photobucket LeafMunjacDeer
sugar glider SugarGlider
Photobucket MarmosetMonkey
♥ Save.A.Life♥
Photobucket ♥RecueDogs
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my
Adopt dogs and cats at PetFinder.my